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Woman doing side squat


Whether you want to do 20 push ups or nail that deadlift form, FlexIt has the trainers to help you reach that goal. But strength training isn’t just about lifting weights. It’s about getting stronger and building muscle mass. Strength training is a long-term solution to staying athletic and fit.

What is virtual strength training online?

FlexIt has many Virtual Personal Trainers who specialize in strength training. With their guidance, you can squat, lunge, plank and inchworm your way to becoming a healthier you.

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Benefits of virtual strength training

Strength training has many long-term benefits. Also, compared to other workout styles, this is the one that can be done 100% without equipment and still get that sweat on.

  • Developing the correct form
    Before adding in the weights and machines at the gym, it’s important to make sure your current form doesn’t lead to injury.
  • It’s beginner friendly
    Our mission at FlexIt is to make fitness more accessible for all, and this is something you can do with minimal space, zero knowledge, and zero equipment.
  • Increase your mobility and stability
    Before squatting with a barbell, you need to make sure you’re flexible enough to get deep in that position. Strength training sets up that foundation.
  • Stronger bones
    Strength training and weight-bearing exercises are great for injury prevention and improving bone density, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis
Woman working out with resistance band
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What equipment do I need?

You can train with no equipment at all, but if you want to go the extra mile, here’s what we suggest:

  • Dumbbells
    Adding dumbbells to the mix for any arm exercise is a sure-fire way to up the intensity.
  • Resistance bands
    These will probably be the most versatile tool in your toolkit. You can use these for arms, legs, back and even core exercises.
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Is strength training right for me?

If you relate to any of the bullets below, strength training would be a great workout for you.

  • You want to get strong fast
  • You don’t really know where to start on your fitness journey
  • You want to build stronger bones

Excited to get stronger with your personal trainer? Book a FlexIt Virtual Personal Trainer who specializes in strength here.

Trainers who specialize in strength


Trainer profile picture

Logan Tovey

Elite Training


Trainer profile picture

Julie Bobek

Elite Training


Trainer profile picture

Nate Solomon

Elite Training

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